Friday 26th August


Just before the start of the new school year, we are happy to recieve partner organisations, educators, and teacher trainers on our networking day. Last year, we have seen each other in the Von Karman Institute. In 2022 we have met in the inspiring and unique environment of the Antwerp Space Expo. This is currently the biggest space expo in Europe.


The ESERO Belgium team has organized the Annual Partners Day, at the Space Expo in Antwerp on August 26, 2022. The goal of this meeting was to bring together people who have a heart for STEM, education and space across the whole of Belgium. We all get inspired by looking at each others activities. We have foreseen ample time to meet each other and exchange.


9.30hArrivalsCentral event room
10.00hWelcome + intro ESERO BelgiumCentral event room
10.45h10-min short keynotes by some partners and invitees (TBD). Please contact us if you want to share something linked to STEM education in the space context.Central event room
12.00hLunch, discussion time, short Expo visitsCentral event room + Expo
13.30hShare your project or activity in the Pitch session: 120 seconds and 1 slide per project/activity.Central event room
14.30hContinue discussions while walking around in the expo.Expo
15.30hShare highlights of discussions on the stage. Concluding remarks.Central event room
16.00hDrinks and Expo visitsCentral event room (drink)


All guest had the opportunity to present their own project in a 2 minutes pitch in the afternoon, and some of them got a longer presentation in the morning. With the buttons below, you can have a look at the slides that were used by ESERO and by partners.


    Antwerp Expo, Vogelzanglaan 7, 2020 Antwerpen

    Station “Antwerpen Zuid” is 1,5 km from the Expo.

    There is a parking area for visitors with entrance in the Vogelzanglaan.

    Food & drinks:
    Offered for free.
    Wraps for lunch.
    Coffee, tea, water, cola, juice.
    After 16h, we add beer and wine.

    All visitors need to register with the online form below.
    If you know people who were not on the list of invitees yet, but should be involved in this Space Education day, please feel free to invite them and ask them to register.