Art & Science Award Ceremony with the First Belgian Astronaut Dirk Frimout


For schools: 13.45h – 15.30h / For artists: 13.00h – 16.30h

Grote Aula, Sint-Michielsstraat 6, Leuven

To develop a complete mind: Study the science of art; Study the art of science. Learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.

Leonardo da Vinci


All Belgian schools are welcome, regardless the language or age of the students (allthough the programme will be in English).
Register at the bottom of this page if you want to join the event.


Arrival of schools and taking seats


Welcome / Performances / Art & Science / Live painting (speed painting of Dirk Frimout) / Info and interviews


Presentations of schools: Space in the classroom / Interactions with Dirk Frimout


Telescopes-in-a-box award for schools



A DIY telescope-in-a-box for your school

We will reward Belgian schools with a small SSVI-in-a-box mini-telescope on the event of 21/04 in Leuven.


Any school who brings Space in the classroom, for example by participation in an ESERO School project, can deliver a short impression or image report. Show some selected images like video or photos of your team in action. Present this to the audience of the Creative Space Event in Leuven. Look for more details below. ESERO Belgium will reward the telescopes at the end of the event to (a maximum of five) schools that are presenting their project or classroom activity.

If your school cannot attend the event on 21/04, you can still win a telescope by sending your image report to on 19/04/2023 the latest.

Some guidelines:

  1. Show your project in images or short video or on another graphic or creative way.
  2. Give a good impression, for example by an short edited video, an image report in comic book format, a mini photo album, a short stop motion video, etc. You are free to be creative in any way you prefer.
  3. Focus on your own ’team in action’.
  4. Select images that clearly show this is a school project with a context of space.
  5. Label your work with the name of your team and school, and maybe the name of your project.
  6. Show this presentation in Leuven on 21/04, and deliver an online link to the digital file of your presentation to Don’t send any large attachement, the online link to a cloud is much better. Send the link on 21/04 if you attend the event, and on 19/04 if you’re not attending the event.


  • If your team participates, you agree that the sent images/videos can be used for promotion of ESERO activities. If some persons on the images should not be shown in a recognizable way, you need to add this as a remark in the email.
  • If you send us images or presentations after 21 April 2023, you won’t have the chance of winning a telescope. However, your contribution will still be welcome.

Creative Space Event Leuven 21/04: Registration

Registration form for teachers and other supervisors who want to join the event. Please register your group here.

Will you join the event in Leuven (Aula KU Leuven) or online? *
Will your team present a classroom space activity in order to win a telescope? (5-10 minutes presentation) *
Photos and videos may be taken during the event. I agree and give permission to ESERO Belgium for the use of any images/video recordings made during the event which include my team, for possible publication/promotion in the future. *