ASGARD @SpacePole explained
ASGARD @SpacePole (age 15-18)
- Send your self invented and selfmade experiment to the edge of space with a stratospheric balloon.
- Participating in ASGARD is very similar to a real science mission in space, performed by a team during one school year.
- ASGARD is no competition. The personal ambition of each team is to produce and test a well designed and well working experiment on the day of the flight, and to analyse the results after the flight.
- Schools from anywhere in the world can also apply and participate, although the project doesn’t provide a travelling budget. All schools are supposed to be present in Brussels for the 3 days of the launch campaign.

ASGARD @SpacePole Partners
The founder and organiser of the ASGARD @SpacePole project is Physics teacher Erik de Schrijver from Sint-Pieterscollege Jette. The Planetarium (Heysel, Brussels) and the Space Pole institutes (Uccle) host the ASGARD project.
Traditionally, during launch day, the students have the opportunity to participate in several workshops and visit some of the facilities of the 3 institutes at the Space Pole, all guided by professional scientists. Some of these workshops and visits include: spectroscopy and other space research techniques and current space missions at BISA (also know as BIRA), the big telescope at the ROB, the weather bureau at RMI, the solar walk along PROBA-2, the space weather forecasting center, presentations on the solar telescopes and the sunspor number. The students meet with scientists and can do Q&A.
ESERO Belgium is hosting the communication of ASGARD on on dedicated ASGARD @SpacePole pages. The ASGARD @SpacePole project is also widely promoted by ESERO Belgium as one of the space education projects for schools. ESERO Belgium offers direct support to any teacher who is participating or interested to participate. We give trainings and answer any question on a daily base. Each year, ESERO is trying to find some additional budget to support ASGARD @SpacePole (logistics, hardware, problem solving).